Access to education

Being able to access good quality education is a basic human right.

Windle Trust International increases access to education by focusing on girls’ education, and by providing undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships.

Sadly, the basic human right to education is often denied children and young people in regions that experience conflict, and in communities who are marginalised. This is especially true for women and girls, who around the world are denied economic opportunities, adequate health care, and equal access to education.

Increasing access to education

As leaders in girls’ education, Windle Trust International delivers interventions that bring about far-reaching benefits for everybody. Some of our most important projects help to address one of the biggest barriers to education for girls - the deeply held traditions in many communities. We work closely with families, community leaders, and other local stakeholders to increase access to education for girls and women at every educational level.

Leaders in girls’ education

Our girls’ education programmes focus on:

  • Reducing child and maternal mortality rates

  • Improving children’s health and nutrition

  • Enabling more women to participate in politics, and having a say in matters that affect them

  • Protecting girls from HIV/AIDS, abuse and exploitation

  • Increasing income for girls (because studies show that for every year over the mean average that a child stays in secondary school, future earnings are boosted - particularly for girls)

  • Accelerating economic growth, increasing food security and lowering birth rates.

In 2021, our interventions resulted in:

Addressing inequality through scholarships

Millions of people miss out on education every year.

Factors like being a refugee, living in poverty, or being discriminated against because of your religion, political affiliation, gender, or where you were born have created dramatic inequality when it comes to being able to go to school or university. This is a particular problem in regions that are affected by conflict.

For over 30 years we have provided and managed scholarships to children and adults as a way of overcoming this. Our scholarships offer people an opportunity to study at secondary, undergraduate and postgraduate levels, with a special focus on people who are refugees, or have been marginalised in their communities.

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