Relaunching the WTI South Sudan Alumni Association – A Network for Development

Congratulations to the new WTI South Sudan Alumni Association Steering Committee, elected at a meeting of the association in Juba, February 17th 2024.

Following a meeting of the Windle Trust International South Sudan Alumni Association, a new Steering Committee has been elected with a vision to relaunch and reinvigorate the community, and to establish a network of individuals dedicated to the progress and development of South Sudan. Andrew Shuruma takes on the role of Chair, with Susan Ayen accepting the role of Vice-Chair. They will be supported by General Secretary Jokudu Grace Lesuk, and Information Office James Machak Chany. One of their first tasks will be to recruit a new treasurer, as well as further supporting members of the committee, subject to the selections of the association.

On February 17th 2024, the WTI South Sudan Alumni Association met at the Juba Grand Hotel to elect a new Steering Committee and plot a new course for the association’s future


Held at the Juba Grand Hotel, the Alumni Association Meeting was hosted by outgoing Chair Dr. Elisama Wani Daniel, who has served the association admirably since 2013, as well as WTI Country Director for South Sudan, Loke Justin Gordon. In their welcomes, both emphasised the importance of the association for building a connected network, and thanked those present for their clear commitments to both Windle Trust International and their home country, South Sudan.

  • Studied MA (Economics) Development Finance at the University of Manchester from 1999 to 2000.

  • Studied MA Public Health at the University of Warwick from 2008 to 2009.

  • Studied MSc Biomedical Sciences (Medical Microbiology) at the University of Westminster from 2019 to 2020.

  • Studied MA Development and Emergency Practice at Oxford Brookes University from 2019 to 2020.


WTI Director of International Development and Engagement, Alex Bent, led a workshop to support the association in understanding the different needs of individuals at different stages on their WTI Scholarship journeys. The workshop focused on how alumni could collaboratively create a platform with which the association can build a supportive future. Alex is responsible for oversight of the WTI Postgraduate Programme in the UK and in Uganda and supports students throughout their scholarships.

Alumni took the opportunity to share their ideas and opinions freely

Through the workshop, members of the Alumni Association made new commitments of support for their peers and colleagues, specifically noting the different needs and capacities of different groups. Recent alumni pledged to support newly selected students with orientation advice and guidance; those who returned longer ago and are more established in their careers offered mentorship and career guidance opportunities for those recently returned; the elder statesmen and elder stateswomen of the association committed to using their voices for advocacy for the benefit of South Sudan, as well as mentorship for their peers. Further support was pledged to give back directly, including providing financial support for future generations of scholars, and the Postgraduate Programme team with scholarship application and interview assistance. In return WTI pledged to support the association with the platforms and infrastructure needed to build a thriving community.

February 17th 2024 marks a new milestone for the WTI South Sudan Alumni Association and the reinvigoration of a dedicated group of professionals committed to supporting South Sudan. At WTI, we strongly believe in the power of our alumni to transform South Sudan. After all, these are individuals that WTI has supported on their educational paths, and Windle Trust International itself is founded on the belief that Education Transforms Society.

Are you a WTI Alumni who has lost touch or doesn’t receive our communications? It’s likely that the information we have for you is out of date. Please consider updating it with us, and we’ll be sure to bring you back into the fold.

The WTI South Sudan Alumni Association is open to all South Sudanese nationals and resident alumni, no matter what programme they participated in. Whether part of the Postgraduate Programme, undergraduate scholarships, teacher training or secondary school, all are welcomed equally and without hierarchy.


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